The Weaver of God's Name
The Weaver of God's Name - English Edition *
Hymn of Kabir *
Part I *
Selected Poems *
Kabir's Prayer *
The Weaver of God's Name *
The Propitious Moment *
Who Drinks Elixir *
Light the Lamp *
Pious Liars *
The Slumbering Wife *
The Colour of Naam *
The Strength of Cravings *
Without the Master *
A Bride Yearning *
Only While Living *
Holy Baths *
Many a Home *
Tethered to Prejudice *
The Blind See *
The Ship of Naam *
Indeed Mad *
Shabd, the Word *
Castles of Sand *
Plaything *
The Untold Tale *
Kabir's Homeland *
Who Dwell in Naam *
The Created Gods *
The City of the Dead *
The Shameless Queen *
The Treasure Map *
Forgive Thy Child *
Slaves of Mind *
Within the Home *
From the Same Light *
Mystery of Mind *
The Bird That Sings Within *
Fear of God *
The State of Sahaj *
The Weaver of Benares *
Only Through Fear *
The Oilman's Bullock *
The Storm *
The Depraved Priests *
The Promised Day *
The Find *
When Realization Comes *
A Lover's Thirst *
Simran *
Lost in the Wilderness *
From One Colour *
The Only Succor *
Particle of God *
Assailed by Doubts *
Pure as Gold *
The Limits of Intellect *
The One in the Many *
Empty Within *
Who Dies While Living *
Deluded Pundits *
The Swan *
House of Clay *
House at War *
All Life Inviolable *
Ways of Worship *
Loaded with Stones *
The Secret of Naam *
Blind Man's Mirror *
The Enlightened *
The Avid Cat *
The Bride's Agony *
The Ruthless Autocrat *
The Boat of Naam *
The Malady of Ego *
The Final Accomplishment *
The Debt *
The Diamond *
The True Benefactor *
Between The Eyes *
The Hunt *
The Loveless Wife *
Sham Devotees *
Son Begets the Father *
Even Gods Crave *
The Palanquin *
An Inverted Well *
Dwell in the Lord *
Tale of Torment *
To Meet the Most High *
Behind the Mole *
He Is Not Far *
Upward Flows the River *
Water Mixed with Water *
Slanderer, Well-Wisher *
The Tree of Karmas *
The Wandering Bride *
The Garden *
Master Shows the Way *
The True Devotee *
Single Though Wedded *
Home Within the Home *
The Screen *
Pure and Supreme *
The Wealth of Naam *
To Love the Master *
A Lamp in Every Home *
The Great Weaver *
The Indifferent Wife *
Shake Off Your Slumber *
The Yarn of Love *
Tax-free Wealth *
The Thugs of Banaras *
The Thirsty Swan *
The Fortress *
The Unloved One *
The Divine Hue *
Distilling Bliss *
The Hour of Tryst *
Thirst for the Lord *
The Thief *
Mad Neighbour *
A Devotee's Yearning *
The Bestower of Bliss *
The Net *
Free from Fear *
The World's Lures *
Not the Way *
The Lord's Sheriff *
The Knot *
The Rare Wealth *
The Flame of Longing *
Sad Lotus *
The One I Longed For *
The Bumblebee *
One Cardinal Truth *
Web of Learning *
The Day That Counts *
This Precious Chance *
A Lover's Stratagem *
The Erudite *
The Lord's Slave *
The Empty Game *
A Rare Devotee *
Pain of Separation *
No Terror *
The Lord's Reflection *
Worship the True Worshipper *
The Wine of Love *
The Land of No Return *
Truants from Devotion *
Key to Ecstasy *
The Haze of Confusion *
The Jewel of Love *
Everlasting Companion *
Danced Enough *
No More Weaving *
The True Worship *
The Music of Naam *
The Beloved Comes Home *
I Am Thine *
Lord, End This Misery *
Divine Water *
Where, O Pundit? *
The Days of the Week *
The Steed of Mind *
A Saint's Inner State *
The Soul's Homecoming *
Heaven *
The Spinning Wheel *
Worship Only the Supreme *
Living in God's Will *
The Rope Broken *
Merging in His Order *
To Attain Truth *
Under the Sway of Naam*
Fish Climbs to the Peaks *
Futile Pursuits *
The Disciple's Yearning *
Why Adornments? *
Multiplicity *
Lonely Nights *
Remove the Veil *
Bliss of Sahaj *
A Warning *
Influence of Company *
What Is Truth? *
The Talons of Delusion *
The Lamp of Naam *
The Ocean, a Hoofprint *
Which Is Greater? *
Soothing Company of Saints *
The Master's Gift *
The Necklace *
Without Seeing *
How Long, O Lord? *
No Credit to Kasi *
No Place Is Unholy *
I Will Not Die *
I Am Not *
The Wedding *
Part II *
Selected Couplets *
Prayer *
He Fills Every Vessel *
He Is What He Is *
Where Dwells the Lord *
The Subtle Path *
The Fire of Longing *
Importance of the Master *
Idol Worship *
The Learned *
The Gyani *
True Beauty *
The Faithful Wife *
Absorption in Love *
Depth of Love *
The Intoxication of Love *
Faith *
In Praise of Fear *
Merged into the One *
Pride *
Humility *
Ways of the Mind *
Controlling the Mind *
The Rosary of the Mind *
Absorption in Simran *
The Glory of Simran *
Dying While Living *
The Creeper *
On Slander *
Intoxicants *
Who Eat Meat *
Company of the Evil *
Company of the True *
The Hawk of Death *
The Herb of Immortality *
Meeting the Master *
Guru Is God *
Master, the Perfect Craftsman *
Master, the True Warrior *
The Shabd of the Saints *
The One Word *
The Fruits of Naam *
The One Absorbed in Naam *
The Glory of Naam *
A Sword's Edge *
The Seed of Devotion *
The Man of Valour *
The Five Passions *
The Poison of Lust *
The Fire of Anger *
The Witch of Avarice *
The Bonds of Attachment *
The Malady of I *
The Satguru's Torch of Grace *
Karmas *
Longing, the Royal Path *
Longing for Union *
Longing, the Tormentor *
The Price of Love *
Not the Time to Sleep *
Kabir's Lord *
A Saint's True Home *
The Drop and the Ocean *
The Colour of Love *
Love's Fulfilment *