Absorption in Simran


Keep your mind in simran
As the water girl
Keeps her attention
In the pitchers;
She walks, she talks,
But her attention,
O Kabir, stays in the pitchers
On her head.


K.S.S., p. 88:7


Keep your mind in simran
As the cow's thoughts
Are fixed on her calf;
All day she grazes
Out in the meadows
But never forgets
The calf in the cowshed
Who awaits her return.


K.S.S., p. 88:8


Keep your mind in simran
As the lustful
Lives in thoughts of lust;
Not for a moment
Does he forget —
Night and day,
All through the eight watches,
On the object of his lust
He dwells.


K.S.S., p. 88:6


Keep your mind in simran
As the miser broods
Over his wealth;
Every moment his thoughts
Hover over his hoard.


K.S.S., p. 88:9


Be engrossed in simran
Like the deer absorbed
In the sound of the drum;
The hunters' darts
It gladly bears, O Kabir,
But leaves not the company
Of what is dear to its heart.


K.S.S., p. 88:10


Live always in simran
As the fish in water —
A moment's separation
And it gives up its life, O Kabir.


K.S.S., p. 88:13


Be attuned to simran
As the worm
To the mason wasp's call;
It acquires the hue
Of the mason wasp
And loses its self.


K.S.S., p. 88:12


Keep your attention in simran,
Let your mouth and tongue
Their silence hold;
Close the outer portals,
Open the inner door.


K.S.S., p. 88:14


