A Lover's Thirst

This poem conveys the devotee's intense longing to meet the Lord. Like the chatrik, the rainbird, which drinks only drops of rain, the devotee thirsts for a glimpse of his Beloved.


When will my Beloved come home?
Only on seeing Him
Will my lovelorn heart
Find repose.

The agony of separation
Has set my body aflame;
Without his soothing vision
How will the fire within my being
Ever be quenched?
O, when will my Lord,
My Beloved, come home?

From morning to evening,
From night to day,
In my heart I'm cheerless and sad.
I thirst only for a sight of Him,
Like a chatrik athirst for rain.

Kabir is restless, he longs for Thee;
Dear Lord, pray hasten to meet me.
Only on seeing Thee, O Beloved,
Will my lovelorn heart find repose.


K.G., p. 122:225
So mere rām kabai ghari āvai


