The Bride's Agony

Al scriptures and sages say that the soul is a particle of God, the bride of the Lord. Kabir, in this poem of longing, identifies himself with the lonely bride and prays to the Lord to come and end the agony of separation. If the soul is truly the Lord's bride, she can only be convinced of this when the Lord, the Bridegroom, grants her the bliss of union. The soul's yearning for the Lord is conveyed by Kabir in a simple but impassioned manner.


Beloved Lord, pray come to my home;
Without Thee my entire being
Aches in the agony of separation.
All say that I am Thy bride
But I am not convinced,
For until I attain union with Thee
On the couch of divine bliss,
How can I be certain,
O Lord, of Thy love?

Pray come to my home, dear Lord;
Without Thee my entire being
Aches in the agony of separation.

I have become averse to food,
Sleep has deserted my aching eyes;
In company or alone, my restless heart
Finds not a moment of peace.

Without Thee my entire being
Aches in the agony of separation.

As the lustful long
For the object of their lust,
As the thirsty crave water,
So do I yearn for Thee, dear Lord.

Come to my home, O Beloved,
Without Thee my entire being
Aches in the agony of separation.

Will no one take pity on me
And narrate the tale
Of my sorrow to the Lord?
Such has become the plight of Kabir
That without seeing Thee, dear Lord,
The lamp of his life is dwindling.

Beloved Lord, pray come to my home,
Without Thee my entire being
Aches in the agony of separation.


K.G., p. 144:307
Bālhā āve hamāre greh re


