Where, O Pundit?

Pundits, following their holy books, promise the four boons of piety, wealth, fulfilment of desires, and salvation; they vividly describe heaven and hell and persuade men to undertake fasts, almsgiving, pilgrimages and oblations. Kabir says that they promise the four boons but do not know what they really are; they talk of heaven and hell with no personal knowledge of either; they preach about acts of merit and sins, but have no idea whether the various rituals they ask people to perform are really acts of merit or not.

Kabir says that the result of good and bad actions — heaven and hell — are for those who have not realized the Lord. One who realizes the Lord goes neither to heaven nor to hell but merges in the Lord. The fear of death and of the unknown hangs over the head of all, but it holds no terror for the true devotee because he knows where he will go after death.


O Pundit, think well before you tell me
The way to end this coming and going.
O brother, in which direction dwell
The promised boons of wealth and piety,
Of fulfilment and salvation?
In the north, in the south,
In the east, in the west?
In the heavens above,
In the realms below?
Why are you rushing towards hell
With your deluded ways?
Remember, there is no refuge other than God.
Heaven and hell are for those
Who do not know the Lord;
Those who know Him
Do not bother with either.
The fear that afilicts all men
Holds no terror for me;
I have no delusions about good and evil,
Neither will I go to heaven nor to hell.
Says Kabir: Listen, O friends,
From where I once came,
There I'm going to merge.


Bijak, Shabd 42
Pundit sodhi kaho samujhāi


