The Limits of Intellect

The object of devotion and love is to become one with the Lord. The main obstacles in attaining this union are intellect, ego and the mind. Kabir says that if I-ness is eliminated, only the Lord will remain. As long as the devotee depends on the strength of his analytical faculties and approaches the path of devotion with intellect as his guide, he cannot obtain the spiritual strength of realization. The mind, asserting its individuality, cannot comprehend what the lover's ideal of becoming one with the Lord is. But once the devotee eradicates his ego and attains inner rapport with the object of his love, the mind accepts the idea of the individual merging in the Lord — the drop merging in the Ocean.


Lord, you are my Emperor,
Free from all fear;
O mighty King, you are
The boat to ferry me across.

When I existed, you did not;
Now I am not, you alone are.
You and I have become one,
And seeing this oneness
My mind accepts our unity.

As long as I had intellect
How could I gain strength?
Now the power of intellect
Cannot prevail over me.
Says Kabir: The Lord
Has deprived me of my intellect,
He has transformed it
Into realization.


A.G., Gauri, p. 339
Rājā rām tu aisā


