In Praise of Fear

Divine love is a path of complete surrender to the Beloved. The lover's only concern is the Beloved, his only object is to please Him. Unlike the worldly lover, the divine lover demands nothing, his thoughts are constantly on the Lord and all his actions are aimed at meeting His approval. He is always careful not to offend or displease the Beloved. Though completely free from fearin the world, the devotee always fears the Lord.

In a hymn included in the Adi Granth, Kabir says: "In fear is love; one who understands such love obtains the elixir of union with the Lord" (A.G., Kedara, p. 1123). This is not a fear of punishment; it is the fear of offending the Beloved, of incurring his displeasure. According to the Saints, the true adornments of the soul-bride are fear and love. She who is adorned with these two qualities gains admittance to the Beloved's chamber.


Without fear
Love cannot be born,
Without fear
Love will not endure;
The moment fear departs
From the devotee's heart,
The decorum and depth
Of love is lost.


K.S.S, p. 63:91


Be devoted to the Lord,
But have fear in your heart —
With fear and love, adore Him.
Fear is the magic stone
For the lover's heart;
Let no devotee
Be free from this fear.


K.S.S., p. 63:92


Fear is the true act of worship,
Fear, the devotee's perfect guide;
Fear is the magic stone,
Fear, the essence of love.
Whose heart is filled
With fear of the Lord,
Ultimate freedom he will gain;
The careless and unfearing
Always remain in this world
Of woe and pain.


K.S.S., p. 63:93


