The True Devotee

This poem describes the state of a true devotee. Devotion has purified his entire being, his eyes elicit the Lord's love and radiate it. Through various methods men have tried in vain to meet the Lord, the world being full of such devotees; but Kabir says the true devotee is the one who has attained union with the Lord within. That darshan of a Saint is worthwhile which inspires saintly qualities in the devotee. Such darshan comes out of deep love and devotion. In conclusion, Kabir says that the true lover of the Lord ultimately merges into Him.


The devotee alone knows the Lord,
Others know Him not.

Many apply collyrium
To add charm to their eyes,
But rare are the eyes that elicit love.
The eyes that enchant the Beloved's heart
Are eyes of beauty and worth.

Many a devotee there is in the world,
With varied methods and varied emotions,
But rare is the devotee
Who within his own heart
Attains union with the Lord;
And rare are the ones
Who know the inner state of such a devotee.

Of what worth is that darshan
Which kindles not the merits
Of the observed one
Within the observer's heart?

Kabir has merged in the Beloved
As salt dissolves in the sea;
Crystal, though pure and clean,
Will not lose its identity.


K.G., p. 76:28
Dās rāmhi jānihai re


