The Wine of Love

Saints have often described love as a strong wine, and love's ecstasy as a state of deep intoxication. Kabir says that in the 'vat' above his eyes he has fermented his own wine. The Lord's grace is the precious molasses, devotion is the rare leavening, and the finished product is the highly intoxicating wine of the Lord's love. Only through the Lord's grace and blessing can the devotee imbibe the wine of love, and experience the joy of this intoxication; in other words, it is not within the power of the devotee to become a lover of the Lord, for his love is a divine gift not an acquired treasure. Kabir, therefore, seeks the Lord's blessing that he may drink more and more of the wine of his love.


Dwelling on the Lord
And drinking the wine of his love,
My entire being is fervid
With intoxication.

Paying a high price I obtained
The rare molasses of his grace;
With the leavening of devotion
I fermented it and made it strong:
In the vat within my body
I refined the priceless wine
Of the Lord's love.

Drunk with the wine of his love,
I am fervid with intoxication.

I beg, I implore my Beloved,
Pray enable Thy poor slave
To drink more and more
Of Thy love's vinous nectar.

Dwelling on the Beloved,
Drinking the wine of his love,
I am fervid with intoxication.

Says Kabir: My drunken insanity adorns me
With a ceaseless glow of joy.
I drink and drink the wine of his love
And I am lost in the blissful trance of intoxication.


K.G., p. 86:73
Chhāki paryo ātam matiwārā


