The Propitious Moment

People in India try to find an auspicious day and time for undertaking new projects. Kabir says that for a true seeker of the Lord, the day, hour and moment when he meets his Master are the most propitious. Trying to recount the numerous blessings of the Master, Kabir says that through the Master's grace the disciple's inner eye is opened, enabling him to see the divine light within; his inner ear is opened, enabling him to hear the divine melody within; he is rid of duality and is freed from the bondage of karmas. In a word, his entire being is purified and transformed, turning him into a true devotee.


Blessed is that day, that hour,
That propitious moment
When the man of God came
And graced my home.

Such was the effect of his darshan
That the veil fell from my eyes,
I heard the divine melody within
And duality came to an end.
The gates that blocked my hearing
Were hard as granite,
Yet they broke to pieces
When the man of God came
And blessed my home.

One touch from my Master remolded
The ill-shaped pot of my being;
The chains of karma
Fell from my body
When the man of God came
And graced my home.

Says Kabir: I love, I adore the Saint;
Through His grace I found the Supreme One,
The diadem of all, within my own body.
Blessed indeed is the day, the hour,
The precious moment, when
The man of God, my Master,
Came and graced my home.


K.G., p. 165:395
Dhanni so ghari mahuratya dinā


