All Life Inviolable

Kabir strongly denounces non-vegetarian food. He is against killing any living being, whether for sacrifice or for food. In his time, people believed that eating the meat of one kind of animal was sinful, but eating that of others was acceptable because it was sanctioned by religion. Kabir rejects this belief and says all life is inviolable; there is no difference between the flesh of one being and that of another. In those days it was also believed that most animals do not eat human flesh. Kabir says that though the flesh and blood of all living beings is the same, man has so much degraded himself eating the meat of all types of animals that even jackals will not touch his polluted flesh.


All flesh is the same,
Be it a man's
Or that of a beast;
All blood is the same colour too.
Man eats the flesh of beasts;
Man's flesh not even jackals like to eat.

Brahma the potter molded the earth
Into the varied pots
In which many dwell,
Soon to depart.
Do you know where they come from
And where they go?
Yet you devour them
As if they were sown
In your own fields.

You fashion gods and goddesses
Out of earth and stone;
Mercilessly you cut
The throats of living beings
To appease them.
If your deity indeed craves flesh,
Why does she not eat it
While it is grazing in the pastures?

Says Kabir: Listen, my friends,
Keep yourself always engaged
In repetition of the Name.
Whatever deeds you do
To gratify your palate,
In return you'll have to pay
A heavy penalty.


Bijak, Shabd 70
Jas māsu pasu kee tas māsu nar kee


