Water Mixed with Water

The disciple who achieves inner rapport with his Master feels that whatever is happening to him in this world is happening according to the Master's will, and all his actions are dictated and directed by the Master. He develops a spirit of surrender to his spiritual guide. Kabir, expressing the feelings of such a disciple, concludes the poem by saying that the Master is one with the Lord and the disciple has lost his identity by merging in the Master.


You are supreme, my Master;
Please look at ray state
And come to my aid.

With gourd, stalk and strings
Has been fashioned the instrument
Of this human body.
Truth or falsehood, good or bad
I know not; I give out tunes
According to how you strum the strings.

The thieves are yours,
It is with your leave that they plunder
This hamlet that belongs to you —
The hamlet of my body.
For their sins, why apprehend me?
Please tell me, how am I at fault?

Master, you are the Lord;
I have become one with you,
I have lost the distinction between
What is yours and what is mine.
Water once immersed in water
Can never be separated again;
So has Kabir merged in you, O Master.


K.G., p. 140:292
Param gur dekho ridai bichāree


