
Soul in essence is the same as God, all souls being drops of the same Ocean. But when the souls originally came into the world, each one was given a different body. Thus the diversity of form, shape and colour came into being. Kabir says that all souls are still the same, and tells the seeker to give up his illusion of diversity and realize that the One God pervades all.


The Lord and the swan
Are in essence the same;
The physical covering
Makes a swan differ
From other swans.

From the same clay
The potter produces
A multiplicity,
In many colours,
In many forms.

Milk ten cows
Of five different colours
And their milk
Will be the same.

Says Kabir: O man,
Set aside thy delusion;
Know that the One,
The Lord of all,
Fills every vessel.

The physical covering
Makes a swan differ
From other swans;
But the Lord and the swan
Are in essence the same.


K.G., p. 82:53
Soham hansā ek samān


