Danced Enough

Although the soul is a particle of the Supreme Being, it is suffering the disgrace of birth and death in the various lower species. According to its actions, the Creator gives the soul different bodies and it keeps dancing around from one body to another, all the time gathering the dross of karma. Kabir prays to the Lord to have mercy and meet him, and thus put an end to the varied roles he has been playing in the world for eons.


This is my humble prayer to Thee:
Keep not aloof from me, O Lord.
Save me, dear Lord, pray save me
From further disgrace and shame.

To the beat of Thy tabor
I danced and danced
And suffered great misery.
Rid me of the taint
I have acquired through the ages.
This is my humble prayer to Thee:
Keep not aloof from me, O Lord.

Do not further make me repeat
The protean roles I have played
For so long.
Says Kabir: End my rounds of dancing;
Grant me, beloved Lord,
A glimpse of Thy lotus feet.
It is my earnest prayer to Thee,
Keep not aloof from me now, O Lord.


K.G., p. 88:78
Beenti ek rām suni thori


