From One Colour

All men, irrespective of their caste, colour or creed, originate from the One Lord. The true devotee realizes this and disregards the distinctions that men practice on social, religious and political grounds. Kabir is critical of those who hold onto such prejudices, looking on men as high or low, good or bad, according to their caste and colour, and completely forgetting the Lord who lives within each one. He says that holy books, containing the teachings of past Saints, do not advocate discrimination against other human beings. People who approach the teachings of holy men with eyes already blinded by prejudice of caste, colour and religion fail to realize the Truth and die in their ignorance.


Those who know
That from one colour, from one form,
Came into being
Varied colours and varied forms,
Give no recognition
To the four castes.

They perish
Who do not recognize the Lord;
They perish
Who give their heart to others;
They perish
Who eulogize the Vedas,
Which they read and read
But never realize
What the Vedas say.

They apply collyrium
To their eyes blinded by prejudice;
They cannot see the truth,
They shroud themselves
With their own ignorance.

They dance like rope-dancers,
They perform acrobatics,
And they make others dance
To different tunes in different ways.
O Sheikh Taki, realize
The Eternal Lord resides
In every pot.


Bijak, Ramaini 63
Nānā roop baran


