The Anurag Sagar
To the interested Reader
Fundamental Explanations
Important Explanation to the Inner Sounds
I am the Knower (Gyan) of the True Home
Introduction to the Anurag Sagar
The World’s Awareness
The Anurag Sagar – English Edition
Hymn of God’s Grace
Guru Dev
The Indications of a Lover
Death while being alive
The Control over the Senses
Paradigm of the Anul Bird
II. The Tale of Creation
1. In the Beginning
2. The Devotion of Niranjan – His Acquisition of Mansarovar and the Void
How Niranjan – Dharam Rai – got what he needed to develop his Universe
The Creation of Adhya
The Frowardness of Niranjan, Kal – The Damnation through Sat Purush
3. The Creation of the lower Worlds
Adhya orders her three Sons to create the Universe
Brahma’s Search for his Father – Niranjan
Brahma’s Return to his Mother with Gayatri and Savitri and how all of them get cursed
How Vishnu turned black
4. The four Kinds of Life
Recognition of the Souls from four Kinds of Creation
Recognition of the Soul, who comes from the human Body to the human Body
5. Kal traps the Jivas
III. The Coming of Gyan, the third Shabda
1. Before the Embodiments
By Order of Sat Purush, Gyani – later Kabir – comes to awaken the Souls – on the Way He meets Niranjan
Dharam Rai tries to deceive Gyani – later Kabir – and gets a Part of the secret Knowledge
2. In the Sat Yuga – The Embodiment as Sat Sukrit
The Narration of King Dhondhal
The Narration of Khemsari
3. In the Treta Yuga – The Embodiment as Maninder
The Narration of Vichitra Bhat – in Lanka
The Narration of Mandodari
The Narration of Madhukar
4. In the Dwapar Yuga – The Embodiment as Karunamai
The Narration of Queen Indra Mati
How Indra Mati, after reaching Sach Khand, finds Karunamai and Sat Purush as the same Form
The Salvation of King Chandra Vijay, Indra Mati’s Husband, because of her Request
The Narration of Supach Sudarshan
5. In the Kali Yuga – The Embodiment as Kabir (1398–1518)
The Establishment of the Jagannath Temple
The Narration of Establishing four Gurus
The Tale of Dharam Das’ previous Births
Illustration – Part I
Illustration – Part II
The Description of Performing Arti
Description of the twelve Paths created by Kal
Illustration to the twelve Paths – Part I
Illustration to the twelve Paths – Part II
Notes regarding today’s Confusion of the twelve Paths – Part I
Notes regarding today’s Confusion of the twelve Paths – Part II / I
Notes regarding today’s Confusion of the twelve Paths – Part II / II
Notes regarding today’s Confusion of the twelve Paths – Part III / I
Notes regarding today’s Confusion of the twelve Paths – Part III / II
Dharam Das has the Darshan of the Quintessence
The Embodiment of Chudamani
The Establishment of the Kingdom of forty-two Embodiments
IV. The Tale of the Future
The Beginning of the Tale
Niranjan’s Instructions to his Messengers
The Attributes of the four Messengers
The Ways of Remaining safe from these Messengers
Lecture about the Future
The Praise of the Embodiment of Nad
The Indispensability of the Guru
The Ways of Living of the Guru and Disciple
V. Readiness and Information
The Knowledge of the Lotus Body
The Sinfulness of the Mind
The Character of Niranjan
The Signs of the Path which gives Liberation
The Ways of the Path
The Renunciates
The Attributes of the Householders
The Importance of Arti
The Consequences of Carelessness
Description of Parmarth
The End of the Anurag Sagar
VI. Epilogue
Your Seat
Positive Power – Negative Power
Hymn about God’s Abode
Closing Words – What after Death?
And God said, let there be Light …
Description of the lower Planes
From Brahman down to the Individual
The Run of Mankind
Brahman the great Power
The Company with the Saints
The lost Souls, in particular exclaiming
The Ignominy for the Path of the Saints
The Report after the great Change
Appendix I – Part I
Appendix I – Part II
Serve one another in Love
Spirit of Religion
Appendix II – Part I
Appendix II – Part II
The Protagonists and Persons of the Tale – The Protagonists
The Persons (1)
The Persons (2)
Persons mentioned in the Illustrations and other Texts closely related to Sant Mat
Further Persons mentioned in the Illustrations and other Texts