Kirpal Singh


Excerpt from the Book ‘Naam or Word’

According to the Hindu theological books, the whole creation was made through Naad. They also refer to it as Akash Bani (voice coming down from the Heavens). We have references to it in the Vedas, the most ancient scriptures in the world. In the Nad Bind Upanishad, for instance, the subject is dealt with in a very lucid manner.

The Hath Yog Pradipaka also speaks of this Sound Principle.

He has taken the support of the Word (melodious tune).

Chandogya Upanishad

Let yogi sit on Sidh Asan and while practising the Vaisnavi Mudra, should hear the sound through his right ear.

By communion with the Word, he will become deaf to the external sounds, and will attain the Turya Pad or a state of equipoise within a fortnight.

First the murmuring sounds resembling those of the waves of the ocean, the fall of rain and the running rivulets and the Bheri will be heard intermingled with the Sound of bell and conch, etc.

Nad Bind Upanishad

Though He is beyond speech and mind, yet one can experience and realize Him by going beyond speech and mind.

Brahm Upanishad

He is the Immutable, the Supreme and the Self-luminious, And knowing Him one transcends death; there is no other way to freedom […] He is to be realized in the cave that shines.

Kaivalya Upanishad

Meditation on Nad or the Sound Principle is the royal road to salvation.

Hansa Nad Upanishad

Tejabind Upanishad conceives the Supreme Atman dwelling in the heart of man, as the most subtle centre of effulgence, revealed only to yogins by super-sensuous meditation.

Now about the effulgent point: It has its excellent meditation, super-mundane, seated in the heart (attainable by) the Anava, Shakta and Shambhava (methods); the meditation is gross, subtle, as well as that which is transcendental.

It is the most difficult but the only process of Supreme Realization: Even to the wise and the thoughtful this meditation is difficult to perform, and difficult to attain, difficult to recognize, and difficult to abide in and difficult to cross.

The seeker must therefore be one determined to make that which is inaccessible accessible, and one whose sole aim is to serve the Guru and His Cause only – the worship of the Supreme Spirit.

Tejabind Upanishad

After studying the Vedas, the intelligent one solely intent on acquiring knowledge and realization should discard the Vedas altogether as the man who seeks to obtain rice discards the husk.

Like the butter hidden in milk, the Pure Consciousness resides in every being. That ought to be constantly churned out by the churning rod of the mind.

Amritbind Upanishad

There occur, in the Upanishads, terms like Trilochan and Tryambaka, referring to the one having three eyes – the third eye being the Single Eye of Christ or Divya Chakshu or the eye that is self-luminous. 

Gosain Tulsi Das Ji, the famous author of the Hindi Ramayana, speaks of it as follows:

The nails of the Master’s feet are more lustrous than the shining crest jewel. A Concentration on them opens the inner vision and one becomes all knowing.