There is only One Religion

Fundamentally, there is only one religion in the world which preaches Truth and Truth alone. There is only one culture for the entire humanity which guides it to attain and realise this Truth although the means adopted may appear different. Looked upon from this angle, the world will appear to be one so also the man.

The time has come when we should obliterate the artificial boundaries and convert the world into an organic whole. The people under different climatic conditions with different historical backgrounds may live peacefully with their fellowmen. Let us not take to arms to settle our differences. Let us not take to arms to settle our differences. Let there be a universal parliament to settle them.

I wish that one Government should rule the entire world to bring about an end to wars and bloodshed. Thus we can realise the long cherished dreams of Bhagwan Buddha, Mahavira and Lord Jesus Christ.

Shankar Dev M.P.