True Master and His Mission


Hazur was never tired of telling us that the Path of Light and Sound was the basis of all the religions. Socrates spoke of an Ethereal Sound which led him to a wondrous world quite unknown to him before. Goethe referred to It as Music of the Spheres. Pythagoras described It as Light and Music of all harmonies. In the Vedas It is addressed as Vakya and Jyoti. Zoroaster lighted the eternal and unending fires and practised Sraosha. When Sidhartha, the Prince of Peace, witnessed the Light within Him, He truly became the Enlightened One, and the Buddhists to this day worship and adore the unknown and unknowable Power with the words Aum Mani Padme Hum, which means that the Aum shines resplendently like a crest jewel, emitting the sound like that of a distant thunder. 

This then is the most ancient thing that has come down to us through the ages extending back to the hoary past. This is the Great Truth that Hazur placed before us; and with a twinkle in His eyes and a smile on His lips always adding, 

Should you in your search find something nobler than this, please accept it by all means and let me also know of it.

But we have with all our endeavours not yet been able to find anything more sublime than this; and all our research in the realm of religion has revealed that Truth, the manifest Truth is based on the twin principle of Light and Sound. Should we come across a Master of Truth and the latter condescends to enliven our ‘self’ with His own Life-Impulse, what will be the result? This human life will have its fulfilment. How fortunate we are. We did meet a Master of Truth; we sat at His feet; He accepted us and blessed us by revealing in us the Holy Word and by contacting us with this Audible Life-Stream.

The first and foremost task that a really Great Master-Soul sets before Himself is to unite on a common plane all the children of God, no matter to what religious order they owe allegiance.

It was at the behest of Hazur that this forum of Ruhani Satsang came to be established. It is a common meeting place for the people of all religious beliefs and diverse faiths. It is not embellished with sectarian signs and symbols of any one religion or the other. It is just a training ground, or call it a school of Spirituality where Spirituality is preached alike by Mahatmas of all religious orders and practical steps are taken to inculcate the moral and Spiritual Values in the vast congregations of people comprising all shades of religious opinion. Spirituality is the rich heritage of mankind – greatly cherished in all times – and in all climes, but appearing and disappearing like a stream as it meanders in and out of the thick foliage of doubt, suspicion, and mistrust that the people generally have in their work-a-day world which is full of untold anxiety and fears. As and when we lose sight of this priceless human heritage and find ourselves going down in the scales of human values, God in His infinite Mercy provides us with the means to reorientate us by manifesting His own Divinity through the agency of some human being of His own choosing and at a place He thinks best.

In comparatively recent times Swami Ji Maharaj revived this age-old and half forgotten science, and it has come down to us and we are benefiting from it. It behoves us then to make ourselves worthy of this great treasure house which is ours. We must strive to be clean in our thoughts, sweet and courteous in our words, kind and gentle in our deeds, and above all we must regularly devote some substantial time every day to the practice of the Holy Word and thereby equip ourselves for the Kingdom of God within us.

It is all Hazur’s Grace that He accepted us as His very own, contacted us with the Light and Voice of God by revealing the same to us; and we ought to be thankful to Him every moment of our life. Even a hawker when he returns to his hut in the evening takes a count of his earnings for the day. A shopkeeper similarly draws up a balance sheet of his profit and loss account every six months or so, if not oftener. We have to see where we were and where we are now. If we are better than before, it is all right; and, if not, what are the reasons for lagging behind? Are we at least maintaining the capital, the stock-in-trade with which we were provided, the experience of Inner Perception and Inner Audition that He gave us; or have we altogether lost everything by our negligence, carelessness, and maladroitness?

All these questions need our serious consideration. We must see how we can develop and extend that experience with which we started on the first day. We must, if necessary, have a refresher course from some advanced brother-in-faith so that whatever difficulties beset us are overcome and we are enabled to go ahead. The revelation of the Holy Word is a priceless gift of the Great Master and, mind it, It has been given to us freely and fully and on trust, and, therefore, should on no account be allowed to slip through the fingers simply because It has not cost us anything in terms of worldly money. 

I remember, some Americans once wrote to Hazur that they were quite prepared and willing to exchange their temporal wealth that they had in abundance for some of the Spiritual Wealth with Him. Do you know what reply He gave? He told them that He was not in need of their worldly riches for He had in surfeit the Godly Wealth of Naam and that like all other free gifts of God – light, air, and water – He was here to share His Spiritual Treasures with all the children of God wherever they happened to be. Such High Souls come into the world with a Divine Mission to remind the people of their long forgotten heritage, of which we can hardly dream because of the smoke coloured glasses on our eyes: They come into the world for no other purpose but to look after the lost sheep, the morally and spiritually sick, so as to lead them back to the fold.

Let us, therefore, render our grateful thanks to Him – the Great Master – Who has already put us on the Path and is still putting others likewise. It is all His Grace that He is looking after us from the Spiritual Planes within and is ever ready to reveal His radiant form within if we just turn inside towards Him. He is keenly awaiting us at the eye focus to shower His multitudinous blessings upon us. Let us strive our very best to do our part and reach unto Him to enable Him to pull us up and lead us on to His Eternal Home.