The Purpose of Human Life


Swami Ji now explains the importance of Satsang.

He says:

Attend Satsang in all seriousness.

We have to solve the mystery of life and death. Grasp and imbibe what is taught there.

We are fortunate if we get in touch with a True Master and get Inner experience through His Grace. If we do not act on His commandments, our Spiritual Progress will be retarded.

That is why so much emphasis is laid on doing away with unnecessary worldly things. This way one’s Spiritual Experience will continue to grow until a Luminous Form of the Master appears within. He will talk to you and guide you. On getting proper guidance from the Master, devote adequate time to meditation and mould your life according to the Master’s teachings.

We must have tenacity of purpose as we cannot afford to slacken our efforts in our present state when we have yet to rise above body consciousness.

Finally, Swami Ji explains what is Naam, the Word, what is the destination, and what is our ideal? He says that our aim is to merge our soul with Sat Naam, True Word, the Eternal Nameless God-Power. We have first to rise above body consciousness and get the lowest link. After gradually traversing the various higher planes, the soul will finally reach where there is nothing but All-Truth.

The three regions – primal, subtle, and causal are destructible. Beyond these three regions is Sat Lok or Sach Khand which is the abode of the Almighty. 

This is our goal and we must achieve it.

Jesus Christ at the time of leaving His immortal frame, instructed His disciples first to accomplish what He had taught them.

The human birth has given you a golden opportunity. Make the best use of it.

[…] Those Who have communed with the Word, Their toils shall end. And Their faces shall flame with Glory, not only shall They have salvation, oh Nanak, but many more shall find freedom with Them.

The Jap Ji / Finale