Part I: Chapter II / II – (iv)
d) Pranayam as a Form of Yoga – The Prana Yoga

The importance of pranayam as an integral part of Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga is so great, that some have come to regard it as an independent form of yoga in itself and have given it the name of Prana Yoga.

As explained already, the Ida and Pingala nadis starting from svadhistan chakra, the center of life-breath, run spirally round the central nadi, Sukhmana, and end in the left and right nostril respectively. One of these is influenced by the moon, while the other by the sun, and as such, Ida has in abundance, moisture of the moon and represents the female princile ,while Pingala has the energy of the sun and represents the male principle in nature. Both of these nadis the negative and the positive, work under the action of prakriti and purush, i.e., matter and soul combined.

When the Pingala Nadi, which is influenced by the energy of the sun, is in active motion, the food taken is easily and quickly digested and when the other, (Ida) starts, it brings in strength and vitality to the system and helps in the development of the body and bodily muscles, etc. It is under the active influence of both these heavenly bodies, as operating through these nadis, that further growth takes place both in nature and in the human species, both female and male. The moisture of the moon helps the production of raj in women, and the life-giving energy of the sun that of viraj or semen in men.

During the daytime, the solar nadi (Pingala) operates for most of time, and hence the food should be taken while the live energy of the sun is in active motion so it will get easily dissolved in the system and thus become the source of strength. Food taken at night after the setting of the sun is likely to increase body bulk and fats and to create digestive disorders, which may lead to disturbance in the equilibrium of the elemental constituents in the body, like kaf (phlegm), safra (heat) and sauda (gaseous vibrations), etc.