2. In the Sat Yuga:
The Embodiment as Sat Sukrit

The Satguru said:

Oh Dharam Das, listen about the Sat Yuga. I will tell you about the Souls to whom I gave Naam. In Sat Yuga my name was Sat Sukrit and by the orders of Sat Purush I awakened the Souls.



Sat Yuga: The Age of Truth, or Golden Age, the first and longest of the four ages. Kirpal Singh said, that according to Hindu scriptures in Sat Yuga the lifespan of man was until 1,000,000 years (Source: Talk given by Kirpal Singh, 1894–1974, in Tustin, California, on 18th December 1963, published under the title 'No new faith, mind that' in the December 1976 issue of Sat Sandesh).

The cycle of the four yugas can be understood that way: in Sat Yuga the physical creation was in its most stable and efficient condition and, since then, is gradually degenerating. So the physical universe is not subject to an evolution in the sense of advancement or progressive improvement but gradual deterioration; to believe in things getting better is an illusion – nothing more than hope, and as it is described in the Anurag Sagar too, hope is one of the games of Kal. What really can advance is the Soul, if she is on the ascending bow of the wheel of births and deaths and if then, finally, she reaches the human birth and making use of this birth can go to her Eternal Home.

In this regard, in a sense, the people in Sat Yuga were at a disadvantage: the physical life was so comfortable and secure that it was seen by barely anybody as the trap that it actually is. This is the reason why Kabir’s concessions that He made to Kal for the first three ages are not relevant actually: only in the Kali Yuga suffering is such an integral part of physical life, that a significant number of people realise the trap as a trap and seek the way out.

Sant Ravi Das [the Master of Princess Mira Bai; Editor’s Note] testifies to this:

In Sat Yuga – the Golden Age – Sat or Truth reigned supreme; in Treta – the Silver Age – sacrificial oblations had their day; in Dwapar – the Copper Age – idol worship was the law of the land; but in Kali Yuga – the Iron Age –, Naam is the most potent and sovereign remedy.

Gauri Ravi Das

Swami Tulsi Das Ji [the author of the Hindi Ramayana, not to be confused with Tulsi Sahib, Who lived later and initiated Soami Ji; Editor’s Note] concurs:

Meditation – on the Sat – prevailed in the first unit of time, Yajnas or sacrifices in the second, Bhakti or loving devotion in the third and now in the fourth when evil is in the ascendant and the mind is wholly engrossed in evil like a fish in the sea, Naam or the discipline of the spirit works as the saving life line from the ocean of delusive matter.

Tulsi Das

Naam or Word (Fourth Edition, 1981) – Book I, I. / (xvi)
Naam: The most efficacious Sadhna in the present Age,
by Kirpal Singh, 1894–1974