Illustration to
'The Control over the Senses'

Good and bad words: The terms 'good' and 'bad,' as most people normally understand them, are dualistic. They merely have a meaning in Kal’s worlds; but in Sant Mat, 'good' means which leads us towards God and 'bad' which keeps us away from God. In this passage, the first part refers to 'good' and 'bad' in the esoteric sense; the second part to their outer, dualistic sense.

Male genital organ: Also compare Matthew 19. What is the meaning of the word 'sinful' as the Masters use it?

On this, Kirpal Singh writes:

Saints give a very simple definition of sin as 'forgetting one’s origin' – or God-head. […]

The Wheel of Life (First Edition, 1965) –
 IV. The Way of Saints,
by Kirpal Singh, 1894–1974

(See also the button 'Sant Mat / Kirpal Singh / The Wheel of Life.')

The riskiness of the male genital is to pull down the Soul from her seat behind and between the eyes. Nobody can protect himself from it. Even a Saint is hit by this, if His wife slides down with one part of her attention from the seat of the Soul.

About chastity is to say that a married life lived according to the scriptures is regarded as chaste. The effects of matrimonial contact to Spirituality depend on the degree the attention of the partners rest in the Sound Current. For it is said:

Wherever is your attention, there are you.


As you think so you become.

Only one Saint – Baba Jaimal Singh – really lived absolutely chastely; the other Masters were married.

(Compare the subchapters 'The Renunciates' and 'The Attributes of the Householders' with the respective illustrations.)

Munis: Muni is a word from Sanskrit and means 'wise man.'

Yakshas: In Hinduism certain lower gods and creatures of natures who are especially connected to trees and mountains are called Yakshas.

Gandharvas: A family of demigods or subtle beings of the air, of the forests and mountains. As it is said, they partially have a human body and an animal form and they have special faculties in singing and musics. According to historical records they attend the banquets of the gods.

Naam: The Sound Current.

All scriptures speak of Naam but have not been able to say adequately what It is. It is impossible to define and delineate It in Words. It may be described as 'Life-Impulse' or 'Conscious Principle.' When It begins to vibrate, It produces melodious sound, which is termed Naam or Shabd. This Sound Current proceeding from the Deep Silence of the formless Kutasth [Kutasth or Kutastha is a name for the Formless God; Editor's Note] is responsible for all forms and colours, visible and invisible to the naked eye. All life hangs on this Life-Principle. No life can exist without Naam. The Sound Principle is all-pervading; It may or may not be felt, yet It is reverberating from top to toe. It is the kernel and the essence and at once both the material and efficient cause of the endless universes in which this physical earth is but a speck.

Oh Pipa! This Universal Vibration is the Primal Cause-less Cause, but can be apprehended only through a Master-Soul.

Raja Pipa

In all religions God is spoken of as the Sound-manifest or Life-Principle. It is a Current, live and conscious, and has in It the germs of creation. It is because of this link between the Creator and the creation that the spirit or soul of a person can cross over the physical body and traverse the Spiritual Regions to reach the True Home of our Father – Sach Khand.

(vii) Naam: What It is

Naam is a Power and Motor Force behind everything and hence outer actions like pilgrimages to holy places, acts of charity, fasts, penances, yajnas or sacrificial oblations to fire and the like are of no avail to a seeker after Truth. Naam alone is the link between God and man. It is with the help of Naam that one can traverse to higher regions. It serves as an electric lift that can safely carry a spirit yearning for God-realisation. Except Naam, there is no other Path Godward.

(iii) What is Naam?

Word or Naam is the Sound Current or Sound Principle. […]

It is called variously as Sound; Sruti – that which is heard; Shabd or Akash Bani – voice from the heaven; Udgit, Sraosha – music of the beyond; Word or Harmony; Logos or the Holy Spirit; Kalma or Bang-i-Ilahi – call from God; or Nida-i-Asmani – heavenly Sound.

(vi) Naam is the Great Master-Force

All citations from:
Naam or Word (Fourth Edition, 1981) –
Book I, I. Introductory, Subchapters as denoted above,
by Kirpal Singh, 1894–1974