XV / i – a

Satsang is of two Types: Outer and Inner 

Outer Satsang: 

It is Satsang externally. It denotes the company of a Master-Soul, attending His discourses and talks on Spirituality, wherein He describes Atma Sadhan, or Spiritual Discipline, and in an inimitably loving way, peculiar to Him, exhorts the aspirants to devote some time for Atma Sidhi, or self-realisation, which is the first and last essential for God-Realisation. This part of His work may, for the sake of convenience, be termed theory of Spiritual Science.

In a gathering like this, one gets a true clue to God, for verily God shines therein through the Godman.

Guru Ram Das, Majh M4

In a Spiritual Congregation, one hears of nothing but Naam, and Naam alone is discussed therein, in all its varied aspects.

Guru Nanak, Sri Rag M1

No congregation can be termed a Satsang unless it is presided over by a Master-Soul.

Guru Amar Das, Maru M3

Inner Satsang:

This is Satsang within. It consists in entering the laboratory of the human body, according to the instructions of the Master, withdrawing the sensory currents from the body by means of Simran and Dhyan – remembrance and concentration –, and finally in linking the soul with the Dhun, the Eternal Sound Current in the body through Bhajan, attuning the direct link between the individual soul and Oversoul. The soul thus attains by degrees Moksha, or liberation from sufferings, decay and death – the most deadly foes of all mortals. This part of His mission may be termed Surat Shabd Yoga, and it constitutes the practice in Spiritual Science.