Thoughts of Ronald H.

I – Kirpal

I close the eyes, face up to the night and call Your name, until the day arises in me.

I close the eyes, feel Your illuminating hand, it lifts the veil, shines through my dark vestment.

I close the eyes, look into the darkness, there falls a ray of Your Light into my very face.

II – Fiat lux / Let there be Light

I can’t explain it to you, my word wants to set limits, but instead of wearing ourselves out, of senselessly rushing out, take this Soul-fire, breaking through the forehead, this little Light, It warms you up prodigiously.

I have never sparked It, just always perceived It when Love awakens and poked the fire.

III – Sonnet of the Sea

Harken eternal softly sweep, touch siliceous, finest sand; when He found me on the shore a fordable flush has absorbed me.

Wild storm blew out the light of day; drowned mendacious stillness; of illusive flaring idyll; which promises us the right way.

What helps it, if we hanging at buoys1; direct the rigid view towards land; hope for salvation, trust blindly.

Not until we sink;  look in black depths, raise us into Light; we awake – from death into life.

Ronald H.


Explanation: 1) For example institutions, religious communities or social structures, if they base on wordly give und take.