A tiny seed contains a mighty oak in its heart which can blossom into fullness by proper nourishment and protection. All young and tender saplings do need hand-watering, periodical weeding, fertilising and protective hedging against the stray wayside cattle so that the saplings are not harmed. In due course of time the tree grows into full maturity, providing shade and shelter to the wayside travellers and becoming a source of help and inspiration to others. Exactly in the same manner, the Holy Seed of Initiation thrives best in a rich and fertile soil formed of high ethical values and loving compassion. A Divine Stir by the Living Master of the soul in man is a happy start for the long Spiritual Journey ahead. You have been therefore invariably advised to do self-introspection which helps in developing fertility and in germinating the Divinity to full bloom.
The seven cardinal virtues enumerated in the prescribed self-introspective diary aid immeasurably in covering the entire field of ethics, and help a lot to invoke the Divine Mercy.
All these are discussed briefly under their headings.