VI / (i)

Faith in God

Faith in God is the root cause of success. We may deceive ourselves and those around us, but we cannot deceive the inner power – God. In offering prayers, we run a great handicap race. We are not true in our thoughts, words and deeds. There is, in fact, no harmony among the three. We depend too much on our own cunning, manoeuvring and scheming. We have no confidence in God and His powers. Our prayers do not arise from the depths of our soul. Far from being an anguished cry, we mechanically utter a few words of hurried prayer. It is just doing a lip-service to God which is not even skin deep. No wonder then, that these perfunctory and ceremonial prayers for form's sake go in vain and are not heard.

We must realize that God is great and that He knows our inmost thoughts and the very working of our mind, and have faith in His munificence, for:

He knows what lies within the folds of our mind, And is fully aware of the afflictions of all: the virtuous and the vile.

Guru Gobind Singh