Appendix / Prayers from Various Religions


Praise be to the Lord, the Holy One, perfect in wisdom. Praise be to the Lord, the Holy One, perfect in wisdom. Praise be to the Lord, the Holy one, perfect in wisdom.

I go to the Buddha for refuge, I go to the Law for refuge, I go to the Brotherhood for refuge.

For the second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge, for the second time, I go to the Law for refuge, for the second time, I go to the Brotherhood for refuge.

For the third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge, for the third time, I go to the Law for refuge, for the third time, I go to the Brotherhood for refuge.

I promise to abstain from taking the life of any living creature. I promise to abstain from taking anything with thievish intent. I promise to abstain from the evil indulgence of bodily passions. I promise to abstain from falsehood. I promise to abstain from any intoxicating liquor or drug.