VI / vi – b


*Repentance though good in itself, cannot alter the past. Each act of omission or commission leaves its indelible impress upon the mind and singles us out for its reaction or fruit. In this way countless karmic impressions go on accumulating day in and day out, making additions to our Sanchit Karmas – a vast storehouse of unfructified actions. Nobody can escape through this tremendous load which has far-reaching effect, extending sometimes to hundreds of lives and over.

Is there no remedy then, to burn away the powder magazine before it blows us up?

The Saints tell us that there is a way and a sure one indeed. Prayer for forgiveness is a positive weapon in the hands of a sinner. There is a hope for everybody including the sinners. Saints come into the world to save the sinners and the lost. An association with a Master-Soul goes a long way in liquidating the karmic account. While He forgives in His Saving Grace our daily lapses, He at the same time enjoins abstention from repetition of the same.

So far and no further,

is Their admonition.

Go and sin no more,

was the usual advice with Christ and of Master Sawan Singh too, Who used to advise His disciples to make a halt wherever they were and to sin no more. The past actions can be washed off, provided we refrain from sowing any more of the dragon’s teeth.

* (This section is adjusted to the First Edition of 1959;
Editor’s Note 2011.)