VI / vi – a


*Nothing under heaven is perfect and each one of us has his own weaknesses. Sin has come to man as a heritage from Adam. Mind in man is the agent of the Negative Power, and it leaves no opportunity to tempt man against God. In daily life we slip at every step. Our best resolves, resolve into airy nothings when temptations assail us. Unaided we cannot possibly escape from the cunning wiles, subtle snares and wild clutches of Kal or the Lord of Time, i.e., the mind. It is only the saving arm of the Master that can protect us and rid us of its terrible onslaughts. But every time that we fall a prey to temptations we must realise our weakness and sincerely repent for what we have done.

* (This section is adjusted to the First Edition of 1959;
Editor’s Note 2011.)