Naam, to hear It with Heart

Only today, inherently yesterday, years ago, unconscious heard I music, sanctum music, music, being eternally part of the cosmos.

Why only today, do I hear It with all my heart? Why only today, am I longing for You, oh Kirpal! No music made by man, is comparable with this sinfonia!

Who writh it? Who is the composer of this notes? Was it the Word, or He Himself? Do you have the answer?

I received It through Him, and I can be no more without It, not for a wink! Do I forget It even for a moment instantly I am fraught with lugubriousness!

Lord! Let it through Your Grace – such as in all – resound in me. Let my soul never again, even only for a moment adjourn the connecting-line with you. Help me, Home, reaching It with your help, without which I would errantry like zillions of years once before.

Give me Your Word forever!

Only today, inherently yesterday, years ago, unconscious heard I music, Sanctum Music, music, being eternally part of the cosmos. 

Bhai Jamal


Comment: 11. November 1986, 8:16 p.m.