Forget yourself

When looking minutely with the Inner Gaze, repeat the five Names slowly, not with physical tongue, gullet – throat movements –, or heart, but with the tongue of thought, i.e., mentally. While doing so, you should not do the work of an overseer concerning how far the physical body has numbed, i.e., how far the sensory current has been withdrawn. The work of withdrawing the sensory current is for the Master to do and not for you. Your job is only to fix your Inner Gaze as directed and repeat the five Names mentally without thinking of the meaning of the Names, etc. The rest is to be done by the Master.

By sitting in one pose over one-half hour, the Inner Vision by the Master’s Grace will open, and you will see the Way before you and traverse it into the beyond. You will be born anew, as explained at the time of initiation. The Master is waiting at the Tenth Door behind the eyes, and whoever sits at that place is drawn inside by Him, and his further progress into the beyond is started. It is for the Master to draw you up. Your part is only to sit at His door – the Inner Eye focus at the centre of the Inner Darkness – wholly and completely.

When people sit, as explained above, Master helps all of them to experience the withdrawal of the spirit current from the physical body, and their Inner Vision is opened, they see Light, etc., without exception. If you fix your Inner Gaze on the Master, sweetly so that you begin to forget yourself, Master will talk to you and you will begin to understand what He says.

When the soul is completely withdrawn, the physical body becomes as if paralysed. There is nothing to fear, however, for when you leave the Spiritual Practices, just direct your attention to the physical body, and the sensory current will descend into the body and resume its work there. Then you can stand up and go about your worldly duties. Do not try to stand up quickly unless the soul current has been resumed in the physical body.

Unless the outgoing faculties are stopped and the mind is controlled and the intellect also becomes stilled, a man can have no experience of the Way too.

When by regular practice at the seat of the soul behind the eyes the soul is concentrated at that seat, the whole physical body below is benumbed and the Inner Vision opens to give you Light within. The tingling and pain is experienced during the withdrawal process whenever we watch the process of withdrawal going on. If you but stick to the seat of the soul behind the eyes – as explained previously – not thinking of the body below or outside and you continue to look, penetratingly into the dark veil between the two eyebrows – as instructed –, you will have withdrawal from the physical body without any tingling or any pain whatsoever.

When doing Simran you should not listen to the Sound Current at all, for if this is done, the work of withdrawal remains incomplete and one cannot, as a consequence, transcend the physical body.

Food is for the hungry and water for the thirsty. Thanks to the Almighty that you are on the Way.