Wait at the Tenth Door

The reason why no marked progress is had so far is apparently due to the fact that we have not put in time in the Spiritual Practices accurately. If we put in time in the following manner, I hope you will have experience by the Grace of the Living Master and you will see the Master face to face by and by.

Sit in one posture in any easy pose and do not move. Your entire body should be in a still position without any tension in the body.

You are breathing all the time during the day while working but you are not conscious of the breathing going on then. During meditation let breathing go on as freely as ever; you should pay no heed whatsoever to it.

Moreover, you should look with a fixed Inner Gaze into the darkness, just behind and betwixt the two eyebrows, and continue looking in the centre of it minutely and continuously without a break, without any tension in the physical eyes, eyebrows, or the forehead.

You should not do the work of an overseer to see how far the spirit current is withdrawn from the body. The withdrawal is the work of the Master Who is waiting for us at the Tenth Door behind the eyes. If we but remain there a few minutes, we are withdrawn there with His Grace.

Your job is only to look with a searching Inner Eye intently and minutely with no thought of the body below or outside. If you sit at the door, you receive help in withdrawing the spirit current and opening your Inner Vision. You should sit in this posture at least a half hour and increase the time to an hour in due course – daily in the morning and in the evening.