

You should be very careful what you think. Sometimes in frivolous ways we say so many things, and that carries an effect. You have to be very self-disciplined: think twice before you speak; when you speak, just think whether it will do good or bad to others. If it is good, then give it out for the benefit of others; if not, don’t tell.

So this is the Law of Karma, you see. If we understand it .. We have been, fortunately I think, put on the Way with the Grace of God and the Grace of our Master. His Grace is working; with His Grace you all are being blessed with these things.

Whenever Baba Jaimal Singh used to initiate anyone, He would say,

Look here, I am now residing within you. Take care for me! Don’t think that I am not looking after you.

That is the Master-Power within you. Don’t deceive Him! Even if you deceive Him, He won’t be deceived, you see. Be true to your own Self, this is what I always say. If you are true to your own Self, God is within you, the Master-Power is within you.

So this is the Law of Karma that is going on like anything, from which there is no escape, I tell you, for ordinary men or incarnations either – they also had to undergo it. It is only through the favour or Grace of the Master that we are saved. You know, incarnations also respect the Masters; Masters are their gurus. Lord Krishna had his guru, Ingris Rishi, who gave out this very way; Lord Rama had his guru, Vashisht. Well, to sit at the feet of a Master is a great blessing, you see. He winds up all your actions of the past. We have simply to keep His commandments; nothing more. He does not want anything from you in return; He is pleased when you are saved. That is why our Master at the age of ninety was working for the good of humanity. In the old days He would have had to take rest; but now They don’t rest, They go like anything – the more He saves, the better. They work under the orders of God, you see.

Now you see how blessed you are – how fortunate you are! First you have got the human body; further, you have something that will save you from coming and going. If you are attached to the Master-Power within you, where will you go? Why do we come back to the earth again and again? Because we are attached to the world. If we are really attached to the Master-Power within us, nobody will bring us back; we’ll go where He goes. In very simple ways the Law of Karma works. You find now how blessed we are? We don’t realise the importance of the boon we have been given.

So please, remain where you are. You are to keep up your diaries strictly, and find time daily to die. You see? Take cross daily. Only sitting won’t do – rise above body consciousness daily, and come in contact with That. Not here alone, you see, but in the Spiritual Planes above, too. There are so many planes – macrocosm is in the microcosm. 

Further guidance is also required. The more you are devoted to the commandments of the Master without and within, the sooner you’ll reach your Home. That’s the ultimate purpose of having the human body; all scriptures say so. Even those rishis of old whose souls enjoyed bliss in the higher planes, when they return to earth they select the human body: because in that body only you can go back Home.

We do pity others: why don’t you take pity on your own Self to save you from the wheel of coming and going? Charity begins at home, does it not? If we cannot have pity on our own Self and save ourselves from coming and going, what pity can we have for others? So have pity on yourself, that’s all I can say.

You have got the golden opportunity of this human body. But once it passes out of your hands?

Kabir says,

Who knows when you will get this human body again and be able to do this work?

So this is for very calm consideration, you see.

If you follow exactly, you are sure to go to God. You are not to come back. When you are under the control of a Master, then no lord of judgement can sit over you; it is the Master Who takes all karmas in His hand to punish you or save you. That power has been given by God to His hand – Christ also owns it, and all other Masters say so. They are the God in Them, that’s the only thing; They are Word made flesh.

I hope you have followed what I have said about this Law of Karma. Try to!

This is why all the Great Men say,

Think twice before you speak.

Guru Arjan says,

Be careful of the sins you commit unknowingly.

By frivolous talk so many things come up, you see – talk only when it is necessary. Quit talking in a frivolous way. Also see, if what you are saying is going to do good to somebody or harm somebody. Then I think you will be afraid of how many seeds you might sow.