

So, you see, death in life or death in Christ is referred to in the East as fana fil sheikh or death in the Master. You see?

Learn to die so that you may begin to live.

Death in Christ means withdrawing from outside and coming in contact with the Christ-Power within you. In Persian it is said as I told you: Fana fil seikh. In the Hindi way, the Sikh Masters say, Gur go tobee – Be one in the tomb of the Guru. As I and my Father are One. The initiate who becomes One with the Guru and the Guru in Him, he is experiencing death in Christ or death in the Guru.

This can save us from coming and going, you see. The longer we go on sowing seeds, the more they will grow – they will bear forth fruit. Be cautious not to grow any. What is that by knowing which, nothing more is desired to be had? Coming in contact with the God-Power within you. And that is why all scriptures speak very highly of the Masters, Those Who are Word made flesh: because, as Maulana Rumi says, If you sit one hour with the Master – if you are receptive; not with your body sitting and you wandering outside – that will give you an effect which you cannot have by a hundred years of penances. If you sit by someone who sells scents, you will get perfume by radiation – free. And if he gives you a phial of scent – if He initiates you into the beyond – then? From the day you come to the feet of the Master and He initiates you, He takes up the work of winding up all your actions – but only if we obey the commandments of the Master one hundred per cent.

So those Masters Who are Word made flesh can immolate karma by a look; all the initiate’s sins, karmas, can pass by the Master’s look and word. Eyes are the windows of the soul. He Whose soul is drenched with God, Who is that Power made flesh, He is the Bread of Life that has come down from Heaven. You see? 

Whosoever partaketh of It shall have Everlasting Life.

And further – how can we eat this Bread? Eyes are the windows of the soul: through the eyes. By sitting in a receptive mood, forgetting all others, you feel peace, your mind won’t rake up any trouble, all is quiet. If you go deep down in the depths of silence, you’ll find the very silence becomes vocal. These are hard facts I am putting before you.

So in the presence of the Master, the karmas fly like autumn leaves before a wind, you see. For a time, no thought occurs in your mind: it’s just subdued. And such actions react, mind that – in their own way: The moments you have got with the Master, say five or ten minutes, or a year, that will have reaction or not? That is also an action; but it won’t react in the same way. No. The result of that time spent in that way is that you won’t have mental troubles as long as you are doing it – and this is true whenever you are receptive, whether you are physically near the Master or away from Him. The physical presence, of course, cannot be underrated: You see for yourself. But those who are even living far away on the other side of the ocean while the Master is living on this side, can direct their attention in that way – just as you can hear someone’s voice or see who is speaking from thousands of miles away, through radio and television. This is a law of nature; science is finding out laws of nature which are hidden. They are not finding them all, but they are trying.

So great is the power of retribution; and none can escape its fury – but it does fly in fear of death before the winding blast of the Word. Master uses the Word for this purpose by giving you a contact with It.

There are two ways to finish up the vast and limitless storehouse of karmas – and we have many still in store. There are two ways, and the first one is to allow them to exhaust themselves. But I have quoted you one instance, and there are others too, in which actions done more than a hundred births back reacted in being born blind in this lifetime. How long will it take? Millions of years it would take, and it would be quite uncertain then. The mind again goes on sowing seeds; there is no end to it. So one way is to exhaust the storehouse in due course of time, which is almost not possible.

The other way is to obtain from a Master-Soul a practical knowledge and experience of the science of life, on the earthly plane as well as on the Spiritual Planes, too. And to work right now for transcension from one to the other, while there is still a chance and an opportunity of the human body – because we can do it only in the human body and in no other body.

Two ways. The first course will take millions of years to reach the goal and even then is quite uncertain because the mind again will go on sowing seeds which will bear more and more fruit. By adopting the second course, one seeks a Competent Spiritual Master Who can wind up the karmic accounts of the bankrupt spirit. When such a Master takes in His own hands the process of liquidation of the endless procession of past karma, you see, we are very fortunate.