Inn of Madness


Great is man. Do not think of him as merely a form – just a five or six foot puppet.

If the gods and goddesses desire to gain salvation, they also must inherit this human form. 

The Upanishads say,

Soul is riding in the chariot of the body; intellect is the charioteer, mind is the reins, senses are the horses dragging it into the fields of enjoyments.

So, it means that the sole barrier between us and the Lord is the mind. If we could only cast aside the mind and the senses, we would realise our True Selves and the Lord. If this aim which has been founded in all religions is not achieved, a man’s life is wasted.

When Zoroaster was asked for advice, He said,

Join the Army of God.

When He was asked what qualifications a person required to join this army, He replied, 

Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.

This means, live a righteous life in every way, and this has been advised by all Masters.

Of all dharmas, which is supreme? Take the Name of God and live righteously.

In the Sikh religion it is said, 

Repeat the Naam and share your food with others.

The teachings are all the same, and we want to enter the Army of God; but we enter only the army of religion. And, the result of this is that men are fighting among themselves.

We put God aside and start saying, ‘I am a Sikh,’ or ‘I am a Muslim,’ and so on.

Kabir Sahib says,

No one is Hindu or Muslim; think of us as One.

God made the human being; and man is older than all philosophies and religions, which were formed long after man’s advent for the noble purpose of realising the soul. If this aim is not achieved, where then is the purpose?

I can only say that if the leaders of the religions were to give the correct teaching, the world would be enjoying peace. Is it not the aim of all religions to pass one’s sojourn of worldly life in peace, to be of helpful use to each other, to realise God? Surely this is the True Aim of all, and if all are devotees of the One God, then why all the conflict and strife? Hundreds of lovers, but one Beloved for all. Customs and religions may be separate, but the aim is the same. But, as things stand, brother is fighting brother, and both declare that their own sect is better. Is it not clear that all are the same?

Do not say that the books are all lies; liar is he who does not absorb.

The Holy Scriptures record the words of realised People Who have walked the Path of Spirituality. However many steps They took along this Path, so accordingly They taught others. We have respect for all.

Just consider how the Masters regard life. They are not bound by any special affiliation, and They are not dictated to by any politics. They are Cosmic Beings.

Peace be unto all the world, under Thy will, oh Lord.

Guru Nanak also said,

Oh Nanak, the Naam is ever-ascending; through Thy will the whole world benefits.

The hearts of the Masters are so abounding, everyone can have a place therein. When They come, They come for the uplift of all people: all sects are Theirs, all religions, all countries.

When I was visiting the West, one place held a meeting for East and West, and I was invited to represent the East. To represent the West they invited a certain Frenchman, but at the last minute he could not attend the meeting; so the organisers said to me,

Well, we will leave both East and West to You.

I replied,

There is no doubt that the saying is East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, but some man has said that – not God.

The whole creation is the house of the Lord, and there is no East or West in it.

All these countries are but so many rooms in the one house of our Father.

Airplanes have eliminated the vast distances between countries. Today one may be in India and tomorrow in England – and the day after in America. But, man is a man, no matter where he is and regardless of outer garb or custom; all are devotees of the one Lord. When I was asked in America if I had come to found some Ashram, I told them that I had come to uplift the very ashrams that people carry around with them – the physical form.

People have forgotten these things; I have come to awaken them. There is no need for introduction of anything new, for the thing already exists within; but I have come to revive what you have forgotten.

Masters regard situations with a very open outlook, but those whose outlook is confined to their own closed sect do not give the True Teachings.

Just before the partition of India and Pakistan (in 1947) fighting between Hindus and Muslims was going on, and our Hazur went to many such disturbed areas.

People repeatedly told Him,

If only You had come before, there would have been no fighting here.