Reflections on Master’s Leaving

What do they matter now that the sun has set the jealousies and the empty aspirations; now that the flower has gone into fruit; now that the moon has closed its eye to earth; now that He has deserted His bones like leaves blown out of a woody cage.

But He was as close to God as God’s own breath; and perhaps more than any of those who held the cup He gave out with both hands the exhaustible river of His life. My bereavement can find no harbour in the marketplace of the world. Where can I find the equal of His feet? I can only lay the flower of devotion on the altar of my heart.

And why did You go so soon? The pen will not write Your benevolence, Your Mercy without shore that You drew us out of the quicksand and You signed Your Love on our souls; without Your hand there was only death and blindness in the way. What can I give in return? Except this life and this is already Yours.

Mark Young


Thank You, oh my Father, for the many blessed hours embedded in Your eyes, my heart locked in Yours knowing briefly the bliss of surrender to Thee. Silent messages from Your eyes, raining upon my soul. Oh that these minutes would go on forever and my soul be ever captive of Thy sweetly flowing Grace.

‘All right, God bless, go jolly my dear children,’ oh how those words ring ever in my heart to awake in the morning and live only for that meeting to retire at night with His face locked in my heart.

Oh dispeller of darkness and bestower of peace thank You for this Love that I now may know this pain; Thou hast disguised Thy gift in a wrap of grievous sorrow; pain-driven, seeking inward, I see the wisdom of Your ways.

Oh Kirpal, sweet Kirpal, I know You have not left us and are residing ever with us, shedding Light and giving strenght; hie on, hie on. He’s anxious waiting for that moment of reunion, when His children, shed of covers, will dance laughing at His feet.

David Rivard


Our Father, we know this simple Truth You have taken us from this world. There is no choice now. We seek Thee in Heaven or face Hell. When has it ever been more, Your Path of joy and suffering.

David Wiggins


He’s gone – dear sweet Kirpal, Who loved the Light in us even as we danced in the heady closet of Your desires. His great heart stopped  the mighty frame laid low freed at last from the daily insults which we freely gave and He freely assumed.

Oh compassionate Father how can we  so callous when You were amongst us  grow strong in Your Love now that You have passed? Save us: we sink into the darkness even as the flames lick at Your bier.

Stuart Judd


Not knowing He was gone

That’s really what I wanted to do; wear my long red dress and radiance and come to dance before You: dance my thanks for all the peace and joy which surround me; dance my thanks for all the Grace that’s always raining down; ah, Master, Master! that’s the main thing I came for: to dance in Your Holy Presence, a flame before the fire, turning and burning in the name of Love.

Now if I want to dance for You there is still another journey … but once I am there I will dance for You forever …  a flame before the fire, turning and burning in the name of Love.

Tracy Leddy