Kirpal Singh

On Visiting India

A Circular Letter from the Master

23 April, 1974

Dear ones

With the rapid growth in the number of initiates abroad, there has been a corresponding growth in the numbers desiring to visit with the Master in India, in order to benefit from the opportunity to leave the worldly cares and devote full time to concentration on their Spiritual Practices, within the sphere of the loving radiation of the physical presence of the Master. Therefore, in order to make it possible for those who come to gain the most from their stay, and in order to facilitate the care and management of the visitors by the staff here, it will be seen that certain guidelines and suggestions may now be circulated amongst the dear ones. It will also be appreciated that by cooperation and compliance the best use may be made of the Master’s time and attention as well. When so much time must be given to the work of policy, planning, and projects in hand, the precious moments which can be given to the personal attention of the dear ones must be used wisely for the benefit of all.

It will be appreciated that the summer months in India are very difficult. The winter months are quite cold; and starting in April the weather reaches extremes of heat, and temperatures are consistently well over 1,000 degrees, with a high degree of humidity. In addition, mosquitoes are plentiful, and in late summer there are the monsoon rains. The discomfort interferes with meditation, and health is likely to suffer. For these reasons, the times of year for the dear ones to visit me here will now be:

1st March to 31st March
1st October to 30th November

which are the pleasant months. While the month of February is very cold, those dear ones who desire to come for the Master’s birthday celebrations may do so.

Those of you who wish to visit may please write first and obtain permission, so that the staff here may be able to plan for the best care for all. Also, you may please see that all the necessary and proper travel arrangements – passports, visas, shots, and return tickets for a specific date – are made before coming, to avoid the difficulties attendant to doing so here, which would cost time and interfere with the free and tranquil state of mind most conducive to progress in meditation. Let me emphasise that those who come here are here for one thing only, and that is meditation. A Sacred Haven has been prepared and specially reserved for the aspirants who which to take a leap forward on the Path. The Sanctity of the Ashram must not be spoiled by bringing along the thoughts and actions of the outer world. All outer things can be done outside; when you come here, be prepared to work, and work hard, for your own Spiritual Good and for my pleasure. The teacher is pleased only when the student progresses. The moments spent in the physical presence of the Master cannot be bought for any amount of money, and such precious moments spent in meditation are superbly best utilised.

I have Love for you all and like a loving father, the Master is happy to have His children visit Him. It is my joy and pleasure to see you all become more loving and devoted to Truth, for then you become more like God, the Father of all.

With all Love and best wishes,

Yours affectionately,
Kirpal Singh