Comments & Notices

Morning Talks reprinted

The third edition of the Master’s book ‘Morning Talks’, is now in the final stages of publication and should be available by the time you are reading this. When the first edition was published four years ago, Master said it was a God-given Spiritual Textbook, and that’s exactly what it is. A great great book, that pulls no punches and covers the ground. This edition has a cover picture in full colour taken at Sawan Ashram in 1967, while the Master was giving one of the talks. Copies are available at $3.00 from Sat Sandesh Books, Sant Bani Ashram, Franklin, N.H. 03235.

New Directory soon

In resonse to many requests, we are updating the Directory of Ruhani Satsang Centres in the Western World. As before, it will be published in Sat Sandesh – as soon as possible – and also separately. We need your help. Please, if any of the necessary information about your Satsang group has changed since March 1973 – the date of the last published Directory – send it to us at Sat Sandesh as soon as possible. It would help enormously, and insure accuracy, if the information were sent separately – i.e., with nothing else in the letter – in an envelope marked ‘Directory’ on the outside.

The information required is:

  1. Country, state, city, where the Satsang is held;
  2. Day of the week – if not weekly, specify which days of the month;
  3. Time of group meditation for initiates, if held;
  4. Time of the public Satsang;
  5. Location – street and number, etc., of place where meetings are held;
  6. Name and address of group leader;
  7. Name and address of assistant group leader, if any;
  8. Any other information that may be relevant.

Send it to Directory, Sant Bani Ashram, Franklin, N.H. 03235, USA, and all Satsangis will be grateful. Thank you.