Comments & Notices

Reno Sirrine has asked me to express his thanks to all the Satsang Centres and Classes who sent their contributions for Master’s work in India by way of the National Headquarters in Anaheim, as requested, which makes things easier both for the contributing Centre and for the dear ones in India. He reports that all the money sent to him so far for that purpose has already been sent over, and suggests that the Satsangs note on their checks whether they want the contribution to go to ‘Ruhani Satsang’ or ‘Manav Kendra.’


There has been some confusion over the publication of the second edition of the Master’s book ‘Spiritual Elixir,’ which has been issued from India in two volumes. Many people have ordered Volume II alone, apparently thinking that it is a new book. This is an error. The confusion has presumably arisen from the fact that at the time of the publication of the first edition, the book was issued as ‘Volume I.’ However, no second volume materialised; and when the time came for a second edition, it was decided to split the book into two small volumes, I and II respectively. But the two together contain the same material that was in the first edition.

To all who have so patiently been waiting for the Indian books: A large number have been shipped to us recently, but have not arrived as yet. We hope to have some titles soon.

Russell Perkins