Comments & Notices

Once again, Sat Sandesh is late going to press, and since many express concern when this happens, a word of explanation might be in order.

As a general rule, the magazine is dependent each month on material sent us by our extremely dedicated and hardworking staff in India. The amount of this material varies, but it always includes the monthly discourse – ‘The Master’s Talk’ – and possibly news of Master’s activities, including pictures. The discourse is of course translated from the Hindi and then given to the Master to check; the other articles, including texts of talks given by visiting dignitaries, etc., are also checked by Him. To collect all this material, translate it, and collate it, takes a great deal of time, and often Master is not available to check it at precisely the moment it is ready.

While He gives Sat Sandesh priority when it is brought to Him, He is, as we all know, constantly on the move, and very very busy; and often delays of many days occur at this point. Then, after checking, changes sometimes have to be made, and occasionally re-checked by Him; this of course takes more time. We try to publish by the first week of the month; when we are late, your patience is appreciated.

Sometimes we are asked how Sat Sandesh is doing financially, and we reply that it would do a lot better if every initiate would subscribe; if every Satsang displayed extra copies at its book table; if every Group Leader took the trouble to tell new seekers about it. After all, in the booklet Ruhani Satsang, Master Himself lists Sat Sandesh as one of the five basic helping factors in the practice of the Path. And each issue, as mentioned above, gets a great deal of concentrated attention from Him. If He cares that much about it, why shouldn’t we?

Russell Perkins