God will help you

The author has just returned from five weeks with the Master in India.

As you have no doubt heard, Master says He has to be very strict regarding the dear ones keeping the diary accurately every day and sending in to India every four months for guidance where necessary; and also putting in a minimum of one-tenth of our time each day in meditation on Holy Naam, the Bread and Water of Life, which is the panacea for all our ills. Master said we must put in two to two and one-half hours each day without fail; that is our duty. We have to do it! And any more time than that we can put in will go to earn God’s pleasure. Then He looked at each of us and asked,

Do you want to earn God’s pleasure?

Master explained how we are here for two things – meditation and service – and how we should see Him in all and all in Him, because that God-Power is everywhere.

Master told how it may be that He is in the evening of His life, and that those who are worried about the prospect of His physically leaving the earth plane should put in more time to their meditations in an accurate way with all love and devotion and humility and faith.

And how one day our Beloved Master will appear within to us in magnificent Radiant Form and speak to us and usher us into the Kingdom of God within! He said we should have progress within every single day; if we do not, we may kindly look to our diaries to find the reason why. He explained that even if we do not do any meditation but just keep the diary accurately, we will have peace of mind – but those who keep the diary regularly and do their meditation accurately for just one month, their faces will be shining and their eyes radiant. And, since the God-Power we were linked with at our initiation can never leave us nor forsake us, and is in fact our constant and nearest companion, the very life of our life, we should all Be strong and Go jolly. And how now is the time to spread the Master’s Message to every nook and comer:

I wish you all to become Ambassadors of Truth!

And how wonderful it was to hear Master’s sweet words:

If you knew how much I love you, you would be dancing all around like anything!

Whenever anyone had a problem, He would give such wonderful advice, explaining how the Masters were just like us one day and so They have been through it and know where the shoe pinches. So He would give the appropriate advice and say,

Do not worry; start from today, please. God will help you.

And sure enough, He did! and does! and will!

Michael Grayson