The Yearning of the Soul

Talk given at Sawan Ashram, 27 July 1972, by Sharleene Sherwin

Beloved Master and Brothers and Sisters in God

There are nine of us here today from America, Australia and Canada, who have travelled many thousands of miles to be in the physical presence of our Beloved Satguru, Kirpal Singh Ji.

We have His Naam Initiation and He is deeply embedded in us here and in initiates abroad as the Holy Light and Sound of God. We receive His radiation even in America, Canada and Australia as His Power of Love knows no bounds of time or space. But there is something indescribably wonderful in being in His physical presence and it is the yearning of the soul to bask in His Light and Love which has brought where – some over many obstacles. While the obstacle course may be rugged at times, the reward is supreme – His Darshan.

We come with cameras frying to capture some of His beauty. Feeble effort! What picture can capture His Love?

It is His perfection ever before us to inspire us, His Light, Wisdom and Love to guide us, that will lead us home to God. And so side by side we proceed, His Grace crowning our efforts with success.

There are thousands waiting for Master to come to America. Satsang centres are growing in size and number. It has been nine years since many of us last saw Master, since He blessed America with His presence.

The memory of one brief darshan has had to suffice many initiates for years. That one glance of Grace to receptive souls from the God-intoxicated eyes of the Master has been enough to change many lives. For it is in those eyes that we see God, and the soul is touched.

It is with deep respect we join in the festivities today along with our dear brothers and sisters here, in memory of the birth of the Great Master Saint, Baba Sawan Singh Ji, with gratitude to Him for His successor, our Satguru Kirpal Singh Ji.