With Master on Hazur’s Birthday

Bruce Cowan reports on the celebrations of 26–28 July 1972

The Master giving darshan on His porch at Sawan Ashram, 27th July 1972 – the day He officially announced His forthcoming world tour.

We should consider carefully our reasons for travelling to the Master’s feet, so that we make best use of our time there. To come to His Holy Feet provides us with the opportunity to step out of the casing of worldly involvements we have built and dedicate ourselves for a period of time to the Master’s Love. It is through concentration on this infinite Love of His that we can make great progress on the Path. In addition, His physical presence allows us to overcome the inhibitions of separateness and distance which the intellect establishes. When with Him, we benefit most if we forget ourselves and absorb ourselves in His Love – to become like little children, depending on all things from our Father.

We – a dear initiated lady of 65 and I – arrived at Delhi airport in the early hours of the morning – from winter in Australia to summer in India; from the cold of worldly attachments to the warmth of His care. We were met even at this time by dear ones from Sawan Ashram. We had to wait to see Master as He was at Manav Kendra and my companion’s luggage had been left in transit at Hong Kong. All that day we were anxious and strained as, no matter how hard we tried, we could not get telegraphic confirmation that the luggage was located and would be shipped, and we could not go to Master at Dehra Dun until it came. Yet the very moment we resolved to leave the problem in the Master’s hands, the confirmation came! We went to Dehra Dun the next day.

During my last visit, Master had put us in meditation at the Manav Kendra site, then quite undeveloped. Now as we arrived we saw the beautiful Mansarovar peacefully reflecting the evening sun, Master’s house set amidst the trees and overlooking the pool, and so many other buildings. Already Manav Kendra has taken on the role of man-service through medical service to the community from the hospital and a school for the underprivileged children in the district. Just as we arrived, Master finished talking to a small group of disciples and came to greet us. The joyous reunion was complete with Master taking my hand, sitting us both on the porch, and inquiring about our welfare. My cup could not hold the happiness or the Love of those minutes.

For all of us, the time at Manav Kendra was personal, relaxed, but intensely inward-looking. Most of our time was spent in beautiful meditation, including morning and evening meditations on Master’s porch or by the Mansarovar.

Master’s talks were so personal and intense.

You are here only for a short while. Forget the world outside, your home, your family, your friends […]

Long loving glances of Grace entranced us so that almost every thought was for Him. And Master’s Love was so radiant that the fortunate ones could see His pure white aura extending from His head, lighting up the sky around …

We returned to Delhi just before Hazur’s birthday celebrations. The Master was already lovingly caring for His Indian children who had come from afar and the happiness of a Father could be seen on His face. He gave meditation instructions and darshan to all those who came. They would come with their problems – Are you keeping your diaries? –, with their babies, with their gifts – which were blessed and returned to the giver –, and their parshad – food or sweets for blessing and distribution. He stressed the need for Spiritual Development and pointed out that a disciple was on probation until he saw and talked with the Master within.

Many disciples arrived the day before the birthday. Meditation followed by Satsang was given in the morning, and there was another Satsang in the evening. During these talks, the Master mentioned, among many other things, that He had asked Hazur, shortly after His initiation, how long a time each day He should spend in meditation. Hazur replied,

Four, five, or six hours minimum; the maximum is the most you can do.

He also mentioned His devout Muslim friend, a professor, whom He met in Lahore. He performed his prayers, not only five times a day as required by the Islamic faith, but much more than that. When Master asked him why, he said that five times was his duty, but should he not be anxious to seek His pleasure? So Master said that whatever meditation we do, over and above the minimum of two hours He has laid down, will be a source of pleasure to Him.

With so many of His dear children gathering, still the Master gave abundant time to the Western disciples and their problems: taking tender care of those who were ill, giving them special darshans in their rooms, etc. But some felt their strength and appetite return when they heard that He was coming to see them.

On Hazur’s birthday, about 20,000 people attended the morning Satsang.

Master in His humility talked briefly, then handed over the Satsang to distinguished guests and initiates of Baba Sawan Singh. Master then spoke again at the very end. Although we had an interpreter, I was concentrating on the Love glances and radiation coming from Master’s eyes. – He says that the disciple gets two-thirds from radiation, and one third from word of mouth. Master also inserts key phrases in English into His Hindi talks, which gave me something to contemplate.

Besides the talks by various speakers, there was reading of poems – including one in English by a Western disciple –, and singing of devotional bhajans, including a group sung by some Jain nuns who were honoured guests and sang very beautifully. Among the talks was one given in English by Sharleene Sherwin of Long Island, on behalf of the Western disciples.

After the Satsang, a meal was fed to everyone of the 20,000 who wished it.

The Ashram seemed full to capacity as the people were served their simple food on leaves, by attendants who walked up and down the colourful rows of people.

The evening Satsang was similar to the morning one, with Master allowing all the guests to speak first, closing with a talk by Himself on the importance of initiation.

The morning after Hazur’s birthday was the time for initiation. When we entered the canvas-covered area, we found Master walking up and down among the applicants, weeding out those who were not yet ready. What an experience to see 690 people initiated on that morning! And out of that number, 300 saw the Master’s Radiant Form within.

Truly there is no limit to His Power.

During the morning Satsang on Hazur’s birthday, the Master’s visit to the West was announced to the Indian disciples for the first time. This will be a time of great excitement for all Western initiates, and considering the short time that Master will be spending at each centre, it is of the utmost importance that each disciple make the best use of time by forgetting the world outside, becoming absorbed into His Love, forgetting ourselves and having only thoughts for Him. Then the blessings will come in darshan and meditation.

Master gave us a parable once: Love and intellect went for a walk.

Intellect said,

Let’s go and come back.

Love said,

Let’s go and see where to go from there.

Love knows only the direction of the Beloved. May our loving thoughts be always on Him while we are enjoying His physical presence.

Pictorial Report

Speakers at the dias during the Birthday Celebrations of Hazur Sawan Singh.


The Master with Muni Sushil Kumar Ji, well-known Jain holy man, who was an honoured guest at the celebrations.


Master giving a talk.


Master together with His guests and other initiates.