On Meeting the Master

Advice from Baba Sawan Singh Ji

When you meet the Great Master, as a result of good fortune, then have Master’s Darshan as if you were a man tormented by acute hunger, or like an infant who yearns for the protective mother, the only source of nourishment; if anyone interferes between him and his mother, he cries painfully and falls into desperation – like a rainbird who drinks only the water of the rain, when finally the skies burst into showers – like a fish separated from water, when it goes back to the soothing water – like this, one should get elated on seeing the Satguru, so much so that on having Darshan, the devotee should forget the consciousness of his body and have no thought or consideration of rain, sunshine or shadow.

Look minutely into the middle of Master’s two luminous eyes, riveting your attention. Don’t blink your eyes, as far as possible. Hear the recitation and utterances of the Great Master with your ears and have Darshan with your eyes.

The gaze should be so confined that you see only the Holy Face of the Satguru and do not see the face of anyone else. Silently, imbibe the utterances of the Satguru. Do not pay any attention to any noise, such as knocking at the door or what anyone else says. If individuals come in and say hello, shake hands, or say good morning or evening to the Great Master, don’t pay attention to them. If you do, it means disrespect to the Master. It is a great loss for one to leave the Master’s precious Darshan and look towards others. Be so much absorbed that your attention doesn’t divert towards the person who might interrupt.

After hearing the discourse, one should not speak with anyone nor see anyone. Put emphasis on Simran. Escape from the company of those talking and socialising. Rest assured that the Satguru has filled the pipe of our heart with His Darshan. If you start talking with anyone, the heart will keep on emptying of the Darshan.