The Word made Flesh

by Mildred Prendergast

The day of the reception of President Giri at Manav Kendra, my Lord and Master showed me plainly my Creator, and I am become for evermore His bond-servant.

On this day I saw, bathed in a shaft of God’s glorious Light, Purity, and Humility, the body of my Master: a gift to humanity so selflessly extended without blemish that I will ever remain dumfounded at this bestowed of His Divine mysterious Love.

On this day the formless beauty and perfection of God Himself shone forth in the human body of His Commissioned One, that all His children might witness how much He loves us. So stunned and overwhelmed by the vision of His Divinity that it is only now at a much later date that some feeble attempt to put into words of what took place on that memorable day when Heaven joined Earth is now possible to relate: of my Master standing on the dais before Dr Giri, clothed in His immaculate giving of Himself to the children of the world; a rescue from the burning passions afflicting the souls of mankind by the gentle persuasion of Love alone.

Oh Satguru Dev, give us forever the remembrance of the peerless beauty of Your True Divinity, that we never forget Who our Master is and the Divine Sacrifice of His Redeeming Love for us. We bow down again and again to the sustaining Power and Holy Receptacle of the Light and Voice of God in the blissful form of our beloved Master, Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj.