The Master’s Request

The joyous news that Master has agreed to visit the western world and bless us with His presence once again, even to the extent of outlining the number of days He will spend at each centre, has reached us just as Sat Sandesh is going to press.

To facilitate His early departure, He has requested us to stop writing Him – including sending in our diaries – until after the tour:

In the meanwhile it is requested that all the dear ones should be advised to stop all correspondence forthwith. They should retain their progress reports during the course of my tour and seek requisite guidance later afterwards.

From a letter to Reno Sirrine

At this critical point, when so much may depend on our behaviour, it may be worthwhile to remember what He wrote so long ago in Circular 17:

I know the initiates abroad are anxious to see me in person, and I also long to be amidst them. You can well imagine how happy and jolly a father would feel amidst his sons and daughters who are all loving and amicable. I would, therefore, suggest that by the time I make a trip to America, all initiates, including leaders and representatives, make a special effort to live a pure, Christly and Master-like life as is possible so that all initiates will stand out amongst other men and women shining with Love in full bloom, and drenched in the sweet remembrance of the Lord.

As further news, including specific dates, etc., is received, we will let you know.

The Editor