New York

The Master’s first night in New York was spent, as a gesture of deep Love, at the house of a dear Satsangi family in Weehawken. N.J., just across the Hudson River from the city. The following morning He arrived at the Hilton Hotel, where He was to stay the rest of the time, at 9 a.m. and was immediately driven to the Hunter College Playhouse where He gave a brief talk followed by a meditation sitting from 10 to 11 a.m. Afterwards He gave many interviews.

The public talks in New York were all given in this same Playhouse, which was a very large hall and absolutely full. Every seat was taken and many people were standing since there was no place to sit. Meditations were also held there, and the afternoon Darshans were held in the hotel. At one of these latter sessions, the Master spoke beautifully on Darshan, substantially as follows:

The word Darshan – what it stands for is when nothing remains between you and Him. When Masters come into the world, hundreds come to look at Him. Not everyone benefits. Eyes are the windows of the soul. If nothing remains between you and Him, you may have the full benefit.

So that is why Christ said,

Eat me and drink me.

If is not His flesh and blood but His radiation. Whole attention should be on the eyes of the Master, not on the body. The more attention you have, the more benefit can be derived. Receptivity is necessary. If you are fully receptive, you will forget your body. By sitting before the Master in this way, with full attention, many sins are washed away. This is what is meant by Darshan, not just looking at the Master. If you sit by a burning fire, you have warmth. If nothing remains between you and Him, you will have the full benefit of the radiation.

That is why Christ said,

I am the Bread of Life that has come down from Heaven. Whosoever partaketh of me shall have Everlasting Life.

This eating comes from being receptive. You understand what Darshan is? Full devotion – where even a thought does not strike you. These words are in the scriptures. This is the most effective way of cleansing the mind. Darshan has a very deep meaning: when two become one. This is the fate of those who have True Devotion. This will not come with mere acting or posing, but when there is no outside world.

On the morning of 11th October, the Master initiated 86 persons into the Inner Science, and gave them a contact with the Inner Light and Sound Current.

The Master left New York by car at 11 a.m. 12th October, arriving at New Haven, Conn., at 1 p.m. There He had been invited by Yale University to give a talk. He spoke beautifully and powerfully on education, stressing the need for an aim in life and the importance and necessity of experiencing higher consciousness.