
The Master arrived at 7 p.m. and was greeted at the airport by Mr David Diamond, the Philadelphia group leader, and many other dear ones who were eagerly awaiting His coming. After giving everyone there a very sweet darshan, He was driven to the Warwick Hotel, where His entire program had been set up for the two days stay. Later that night, at Master’s apartment in the Hotel, about eighty persons gathered for Darshan and were fed a delicious meal prepared by the Philadelphia satsangi ladies with great devotion and Love.

The usual schedule of morning meditation, afternoon darshan, and evening public talk was maintained, all in the Warwick Hotel Ballroom. The large crowds listened to the talks with rapt attention. The Master radiated beauty and joy and peace, and all got benefit. On the morning of 7th October, 26 persons were initiated by the Master in His apartment in the Hotel.

He left Philadelphia about 5 p.m. by car, and the hotel lobby and the street for half a block away were lined with people anxious for His Darshan. He left the hotel so sweetly and slowly, stopping to speak with some, smiling at others.

As He got in the car and was driven away, the majority of satsangis raced for their own cars, to get to New York as quickly as possible and not miss a second of Master’s presence.