Sharmas’ Farm

That afternoon Master gave a talk at the Legion Hall at 7 p.m., and immediately afterwards left by car for Bowling Green, Va., about eighty miles south of Washington, where Mr and Mrs Amar Nath Sharma, two very devoted initiates, had purchased a farm. They had requested Master to bless it with His presence for a night and a day, and He graciously agreed. He was followed by crowds and crowds of devotees – about 80 cars followed Him down that night, and many more arrived in the morning.

The night was moonlit and beautiful, and the Master’s presence sharpened and freshened its beauty even more. The dear ones slept anywhere they could some in their cars, some camped out, the majority slept in the barn. Five or six girls from Kirpal Ashram took charge of the kitchen, and everyone that was there was greeted with tea and toast in the morning. The volunteers also worked all night preparing food for the main meal, which was served later chapatis and five or six kinds of food.

Master felt very much at home there, and moved among His children freely. The people felt they were in the loving lap of their Father and loved every minute of it.

Master put everyone into meditation at 11 a.m., after which He gave a short talk and then talked individually with anyone who wanted to come and see Him.

Then dinner was served with everyone sitting in rows, Indian style, and the food from the langar was served to all. No one wanted to leave; the Love that was being radiated by the Master was so all-permeating. The Master graciously stayed until 2:30 p.m., at which time He had to leave. His car was surrounded by dear ones who seemed with their beseeching eyes to be requesting more time; but it was time to go. But the peace and Love that were there was so intense that the Light will stay in everyone’s memory all their lives.


The following morning, 24th September, Sunday, the Master initiated 100 persons into the mysteries of the beyond. At the same time, He put the old initiates into meditation at the Legion Hall, and about 800 people sat for three hours. That afternoon the Master spoke at the Sylvan Theater, a beautiful outdoor amphitheatre at the base of the Washington Monument. It was a beautiful setting for Him, and at the conclusion He conducted a series of private interviews on the stage. Many of the dear ones had their first opportunity to speak to the Master and were overjoyed.

On 26th September, the Master gave a talk at the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare at 12 noon. This was specially for the workers there, and was done at their invitation.

At the conclusion of the talk at George Washington University that same evening, a questioner said that observance of chastity was impossible. The Master said that there is nothing impossible; where there is a will there is a way. He said that chastity gives Inner Strength to the individual, and quoted Mahatma Gandhi as saying that had he known the value of chastity earlier, and observed it, he would have got immense benefit earlier. Another gentleman asked how long it takes to develop ojas, the special power that is the fruit of chastity. The Master said there was no hard and fast rule; the more you observe celibacy, the closer it is.

The next morning, 27th September, after the morning meditation at the Legion Hall, the Master gave a brief talk on the outer aspect of His work in the West. He said that we are all brothers and sisters in God; no high or low. We are limbs of the same body. He said that up to now the work had been carried on by two corporations, managed by Mr T.S. Khanna and Mr Reno Sirrine. He said both are part of the same machinery, and if one of them is in pain or trouble, the other cannot remain happy. Then He said that both the dear ones had decided to work jointly under one corporation, which was very good. Then the Master asked both Mr Sirrine and Mr Khanna to speak on this subject, which they did, saying that they have Love and respect for each other and will cooperate with each other for Master’s Holy Cause. They mentioned that copies of a letter written by the Master on this subject, as well as copies of another letter written by both of them, would be available the next day.1

That evening the Master spoke at Howard University in Washington, D.C., where He was welcomed by Dr Candy, head of the School of Religion, and gave a discourse to a packed hall. After the talk, He was interviewed by a reporter for the Washington Post.

On Saturday, 30th September, the Master gave initiation for the second time in the Washington area, this time giving Naam to 24 dear ones, while simultaneously putting the old initiates in meditation nearby.

The following day, 1st October, was the Master’s last day in Virginia. In His farewell talk, He mentioned that the number of people who were seeing the Radiant Form of the Master within had doubled since the first sitting thirteen days earlier, which was proof of advancement. He then proceeded to give a beautiful talk, which, God willing, will be published in a future issue of Sat Sandesh.

That afternoon there was no program scheduled, but many people came individually and in small groups to see Him one last time before He left. Many of them assembled on the lawn in front of the house, and Master came out and gave Darshan.

Many dear ones were also present at the National Airport in Washington, as Master prepared to board the 9 p.m. flight to Charlotte, North Carolina, His next stop. Master consoled each of the dear ones individually before He left.


Footnote: 1) See Sat Sandesh, October 1972.